All too often we tend to prioritize things in life that don't necessarily support our creative energy. So we have to organize our day and our week so that creative time is available to us.

Everybody has their own energy cycle, their own creative cycle and you're going to want to understand yours, so that you can block out the time in your day where you have the most energy for your art-making.

For some, that might be first thing in the morning before they get engaged with all of the other activities of their day, and taking advantage of “sleep thinking” – when our brains are still connected to drifting and dreaming, less encumbered with the noise our days can invite in. Others may find that the afternoon or evening is the best time for them to engage with their creative work.

If you’re not sure what works best for you, set up some scheduled studio sessions at the various times available to you throughout your day and take note of your energy and what resulted from your time in the studio. Did one time seem to offer you more spaciousness and productivity than another?

Regardless of what time of the day you begin your studio practice, it can be really helpful to take a few moments before beginning your creative work to check in with yourself and lay the ground for a transition into this working space. Is there anything you need to let go of to be truly present for the work? If so, what would help you to do that? 

If you’re noticing it can be difficult to shift from one type of activity to another – say from admin work to your creative work – then consider designing a simple set of steps that you can take upon entering the studio that will help your mind shift gears. A few minutes of journal writing, or mediation, often reconnects us to ourselves and the mindset we want for making our art. 

It is the attention to these kinds of details around your creative practice that will really help you to know what actions to put in place that will allow you to easily flow into your art-making and be as productive as you can be when you're there.

What do you know about your creative cycles and energy? Is there a preferred time of day for you to make your creative work? Do you have strategies and techniques to clear and settle the inner space required for art-making?

This short version blog post is a part of my Mindset Moment series, an accompanying edition to my bi-monthly blog post. My intention for these Mindset Moments is to speak to some of the common challenges artists face with their creative work, and how a mindset shift can make a difference.

They are short reads, with a suggestion or writing prompt that you can work with…as well as an invitation to join in the conversation, sharing your experience and insights.

You can join the conversation by leaving a comment under this blog post, or on my social media posts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, wherever you find me.

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